Welcome to Arts Integration Studio
a creative makerspace where ideas manifest into positive community outcomes.



Arts Integration Studio offers Professional Development Training for teachers, administrators, community educators, health care professionals, parents, teaching artists, and the general public.



Arts Integration Studio is engaged in Action Research on socially relevant topics in education and is developing publications on arts integrated (AI) methods and curricula, and data on the impact of AI on academic and social learning.



Arts Integration Studio is committed to creating and producing arts integrated public art, curricula, and creative teaching tools in multiple art forms and modalities on themes of social, educational, and cultural relevance.



Arts Integration Studio provides consulting and advocacy on curriculum development and community engagement strategies and practices.

Arts Integration Studio utilizes creativity and the principles of arts integration to address critical needs in education and community health & well-being.
All ideas are welcome at Arts Integration Studio. We are Possibilitarians!
  • We teach innovative arts integration methods to educators & emerging teaching artists
  • We create & produce multimedia art for live productions, exhibits, & educational curricula
  • We engage in action research to support creativity & the arts in education
  • We consult & collaborate with others to create positive outcomes & sustainable solutions to pressing educational & social concerns
We support all aspects of learning through arts integration, including but not limited to:
  • Anti Bias Curriculum
  • Creative Aging
  • Creative Youth Development
  • Culturally Responsive Curriculum
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Environmental Justice
  • Food Insecurity & Awareness
  • Literacy & Learning
  • Re-Envisioning Foster Care
  • Social Justice Frameworks
  • Trauma-Informed Practices

“The arts teach people how to learn, by giving them the first step; the desire to learn.”

– Champions of Change: the Impact of Arts on Learning



Using Theater Games as a Dynamic Teaching Tool
to Activate Your Students’ Learning
by Priscilla Kane Hellweg

Now available through this link!